Cycling in East Belgium - East Belgium Go to content

East Belgium:
Cycling paradise

Over 1,300 km of signposted trails for (mountain) bikes

East Belgium offers over 1,300 km of signposted cycling and mountain biking trails. Whether you're an experienced cyclist or an enthusiast, our bike paths guide you through a variety of landscapes, from picturesque valleys to majestic forests.

Cycle leisurely and explore local attractions. Plan your adventure today!

  +1,300 km

signposted trails

  +480 km

signposted mountain bike network

  1 junction node system

simple & efficient

  +50 bed & bike


  4 Ravel-trails

through the region's most beautiful landscapes

Cycling in East Belgium

Discover cycle tours on disused railway lines such as the Vennbahn or the Ravel cycle routes, or set out for an adventure by creating your own cycle loop with the help of the cycle route planner. 

The Vennbahn cycle route is one of Europe's longest cross-border cycle paths on former railway tracks, which starts in Germany and crosses East Belgium to reach Luxembourg. The junction node network provides many additional options for relaxed pedalling. At 850 km in length, this network offers potential for both ambitious and less athletic riders.

Mountain bikers find ideal conditions and a signposted network of more than 480 km in East Belgium. The wild landscapes on the banks of the Amel, Our and Warche in the south and the Weser and Hill in the north are particularly suitable for mountain bike tours.

The entire cycle tour network has been developed with an emphasis on quality and offers bicycle-friendly accommodation (bed+bike), bicycle and e-bike rental. These customised cycle tours with luggage transport also promise a carefree cycling holiday.