It’s all uphill at first, beside lines of thorny hedges. The path leading out of the village of Walhorn is surrounded by green meadows. Shortly after the “In der Rotsch” quarry you reach a small turnstile. Walk through it to follow a path that leads to a hamlet with a funny name: Langmüs – "Long Mice". The chapel, the Banneuxkapelle, has an old outdoor Way of the Cross stretching out into the woods behind it. You can tell exactly how old by looking at the dates on the crosses, or “stations”, written in Roman numerals. To find out more about how to read Roman numerals, see our game tip.
Pine trees tower high above your head. They can live for up to 700 years – but these ones are probably not that old. You can let off steam in the playground in the place called Johberg, or just sit down and relax in the shade. The view from here over Walhorn is truly wonderful. Beyond the playground lies a mysterious sunken path. Look for the holes at the edge of the path. These are badgers’ burrows, or “setts”. If you look closely, you might be able to spot some badger tracks at the entrances. The path takes you back to Walhorn, right into the historic heart of the village.