Landscape around Lontzen
Photo: 01 lontzen heckenlandschaften 01 c christian charlier.jpg , CC BY ,East Belgium Tourist Agency NPO
Photo: 01 ostbelgien kuehe 03 c dominik ketz , CC BY ,East Belgium Tourist Agency NPO
Photo: 01 lontzen heckenlandschaft 02 c loni liebermann , CC BY ,East Belgium Tourist Agency NPO
Photo: 01 lontzen heckenlandschaft 03 c , CC BY ,East Belgium Tourist Agency NPO
Photo: lontzen hohlweg heesgasse 03 c christian charlier , CC BY ,East Belgium Tourist Agency NPO
Photo: lontzen wandern hohnbachtal 04 c christian charlier , CC BY ,East Belgium Tourist Agency NPO
The composition of its soil and its reliefs show that the region around Lontzen belongs to the eastern foothills of the Pays de Herve, which lies in the north of the Province of Liège and marks the transition between the Belgian Ardennes and the Dutch Heuvelland. This hilly landscape is characterised by pastures and orchards enclosed by typical hedgerows. The hedges that separate the meadows are low and narrow. Their purpose was not to protect the properties against wind and weather as it was in the region around Malmedy. They were just boundaries for the herds of livestock. By tradition, dairy farming has been practised on the meadows of this region. Indeed it has that circumstance to thank for its name, the butterländchen ('butter country'). The landscape is punctuated by numerous untrimmed willows, ash trees and oaks.
Landscape around Lontzen
4710 Lontzen