Exhibition: Ashley Joanna - "Menschen aus Ostbelgien" (Part II)
Exhibition: Ashley Joanna - "Menschen aus Ostbelgien" (Part II)
"Menschen aus Ostbelgien" (People from East-Belgium) is a portrait series by Ashley Joanna dedicated to getting to know the culture of the region through the stories of local people.
Date & time
- 18.12.2023
From 10:00 to 17:00
Triangel cultural center
Vennbahnstraße 2
4780 St.Vith
T. +32 (0)80 22 94 86 E. info@arsvitha.be S. arsvitha.be
The highly successful premiere of this project took place in November last year at the same location and will continue in December 2023 with 30 new faces and stories.
The photographs featured in the exhibition will show the diversity of the native East Belgians and tell us something about their unique passions, traditions and lives.
Ashley, originally from New York City, moved to the village of Rodt 3 years ago. Her interest in photographing culture became even more intense when she made East-Belgium her new home. Ashley's goal with this project is to share the intimate stories of local people through images and text, not only to expand her own knowledge, but also so that others can learn about the people in her home region.
This photo series is about celebrating East Belgian culture.
Vernissage: 08.12.2023, from 19:30