Concert: Stéphane Mercier Quartet feat. Darren Beckett - East Belgium Go to content
240111 Ste?phaneMercier (c) Fre?de?ric Raevens

Concert: Stéphane Mercier Quartet feat. Darren Beckett

Concert: Stéphane Mercier Quartet feat. Darren Beckett

Concert - Jazz: From bebop to hard bop.

Date & time

From 20:00 to 00:00


Triangel cultural center
Vennbahnstraße 2
4780 St.Vith

T. +32 (0)80 22 94 86 E. S.


Teenagers:  8 € / Presale teenagers : 6 €
Adults:  16 € / Presales adultes : 12 €

For this new project, saxophonist and composer Stéphane Mercier surrounds himself with long-time friends: Pianist Nicola Andrioli has a lively and multi-faceted style. On the double bass, Nicolas Thys focusses the group's energy with his precise and imaginative playing. Irish drummer Darren Beckett appears as a special guest.