Giant omelette - East Belgium Go to content
Malmedy Riesenomelette 08(c)Denis Dosquet

Giant omelette

Giant omelette

In an enormous pan with a diameter of 4 m, the 'Worldwide Brotherhood of the Giant Omelette' makes an omelette with 10,000 eggs, which is then distributed among the crowd.

Date & time

From 11:00 to 00:00


Place de Rome Malmedy
Rue Devant les Religieuses
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 (0)80 79 96 68 E. S.

10,000 eggs, 30 kilogrammes of lard, 6 kilogrammes of spices, 3 kilogrammes of chives and 50 litres of oil: put it all into a big pan, stir vigorously, and there you are: the giant omelette of Malmedy.

Every year, thousands of people pour into Malmedy on Assumption Day (15 August) to attend a very special spectacle. That is the day on which the Worldwide Brotherhood of the Giant Omelette makes a gigantic omelette. Traditionally, the day begins with a holy mass in which the eggs and bread are blessed. After that, representatives of the six world omelette brotherhoods parade through the town in a procession before they – clothed in white – arm themselves with a cooking spoon two metres long and approach the pan. As soon as the omelette is ready, it is distributed free among the spectators. This is all followed by a varied entertainment programme: music and entertainment, games for the little ones and also for those who are no longer quite as young, specialities from the grill, markets, a big raffle, and an open-air ball.

Let yourself be captured by the charm of Malmedy. Come and enjoy a very special festival with friends and the whole family.


9:00: "Place de Rome", preparations.
11:00: Holy Mass in the Cathedral. Blessing of the eggs and bread.
12:00: Procession of the "Worldwide Brotherhood of the Giant Omelette" through the city.
13:15: Preparation of the 1st giant omelette.
14:00: Preparation of the 2nd giant omelette.
14h30: All Knights of the Worldwide Brotherhood join together in a large circle of friends in the city centre. Throughout the afternoon there are markets, non-stop animations and games with great fun and entertainment.
17:00: Drawing of the big raffle.
19:00: Public barbecue.
20:00: Big ball outside.