EUREGIO ceramics market - East Belgium Go to content
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EUREGIO ceramics market

EUREGIO ceramics market

Non-industrial tableware in small batches, unique specimens, jewellery, sculptures and abstract compositions – the EUREGIO ceramics market captivates visitors with its diversity and quality.

Date & time

07.09.2024 - 08.09.2024
From 10:00 to 18:00


Musée de la poterie de Raeren
Burgstraße 103
4730 Raeren

T. +32 (0)87 85 09 03 E. S.

During this weekend, 60 - 70 professional ceramicists from all over Europe meet up again around Raeren Castle. On the occasion of the EUREGIO ceramics market, they offer everything that can be made from clay: garden and everyday ceramics, jewellery and works of art. The colourful diversity of this top-quality earthenware is ideally complemented by the amenities of the Raeren pottery museum with its permanent exhibition and two special exhibitions. As every year, the EUREGIO ceramics prize is awarded to the best entrants. And on the Saturday, the public can take part too.

On both days the market is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Entry is free. Sustenance is also provided. And parking facilities are signposted in a wide radius.