Eupen - Moorenhöhe - East Belgium Go to content

Eupen - Moorenhöhe

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Eupen - Moorenhöhe

The "Moorenhöhe" site offers a superb view of the Lower Town, the center of the local cloth industry in the 19th century.

Eupen - former center of the cloth and textile industry

Eupen has been producing fine fabrics of internationally renowned quality since 1680. Thus, the manufacture of cloth very early on shaped the physiognomy of the town of Eupen. At the time of Napoleon and the start of the Industrial Revolution, a new district of ultra-modern businesses sprang up along the Vesdre and Helle rivers. By the end of the French period, the town had a population of 9600. 7,000 of them worked in the wool industry, with its dyeing, spinning and weaving mills. The export of cloth made a major contribution to the wealth of Eupen's merchant families. In the 18th century, some of these families built splendid patrician houses in the lower and upper towns. The success of the textile industry led to social progress, and with it the creation of workers' housing estates, crèches, a vocational school and the Wetzlarbad open-air swimming pool.

Point of interest

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Eupen Moorenhöhe viewpoint indicator

The panoramic board Eupen Moorenhöhe offers an outstanding view of the lower town and explains amongst others buildings from the heyday of the textile industry (19th century).


Weser Dam

Four kilometres from the centre of Eupen, an enormous concrete wall rises up above the confluence of the Weser and the Getzbach: the Weser dam, built in the years 1936-1942 and 1946-1949. Including its anchorage, the dam wall is 63 metres high, with a damme


Nature centre 'Haus Ternell'

The nature centre 'Haus Ternell', at Monschauer Strasse – Ternell 2-3, is located in the idyllic Hertogenwald, not far from the nature reserve of the High Fens, and is an ideal starting point for nice long walks through the fen and woodland la


High Fens conservation area

The High Fens are a biotope of a kind almost unique in Europe. The peat layer is up to eight metres thick. Over vast areas, the High Fens are like an enormous sponge. Access is strictly controlled. Where it is permitted, boardwalks and signposted routes gui



Eupen is surrounded by a unique natural landscape. The Hertogenwald south of the town is regarded as the gateway to the nature reserve of the High Fens. With its area of 12,300 hectares (30,400 acres), the Hertogenwald is one of the largest enclosed high fo

Panoramic view

Parish Church of St. Joseph

St. Joseph's Church was built in the middle of the 19th century to plans by Cologne's cathedral architect Vincenz Statz. It's the most important monument to histo­ricism in Eupen. This neo-Gothic style is unique.


Clothmaker's house

This imposing townhouse at Haasstrasse 1-3, dating from the 18th century, has three large storeys and was inhabited for a long time by the merchant family Römer.


Worsted works

The buildings of the former spinning mill bear witness to the rapid development at the beginning of the 20th century. These buildings were no longer planned in detail; instead, a spacious, multi-storey facility was built in red brick in a uniform but remark


Kabelwerk Eupen AG

Behind the former worsted works, the buildings of today's Kabelwerk Eupen AG are situated. Having begun as a rope factory in the Neustrasse, the enterprise has now become one of Europe's leading manufacturers in the cable sector. It has 900 employee

Contact us

High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50