Medell - Depertzberg - East Belgium Go to content

Medell - Depertzberg

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Medell - Depertzberg

A typical Belgian Eifel landscape - pure idyll

On both sides of the language border

From the Amel gold rush to Celtic mills and a language border, there's a lot to discover at the foot of the Depertzberg.

Point of interest

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Medell Depertzberg viewpoint indicator

The panorama board Medell Depertzberg offers a terrific view out over the Amel country, the Wolfsbusch and the linguistic border with Wallonia. The listening tour 'Brave citizens, blue stone and gold fever' takes you past this viewpoint.


Landscape frame 'template'

Here, the artist Norbert Huppertz has given a new function to an old drawing table, which had belonged to an architect. The apertures in the rusty table enable the landscape to be rediscovered by narrowing the onlooker's field of view, and this puts the


Born – former railway junction

In the heyday of the East Belgian railway network, Born was the junction for the lines St. Vith – Born – Vielsalm and the famous Vennbahn. Meanwhile, the latter one has been converted into a hiking and cycling route. Going towards St. Vith, ther


Born - Freiherr von Korff Bridge

The Freiherr von Korff Bridge is the only construction still extant on the former railway line from St. Vith to Vielsalm. It was completed in 1916 and served mainly military purposes. The bridge itself consists of eleven arches over a length of some 28


Valley of the Emmels – conservation areas

Along the cycle path, there are conservation areas on both sides. Panels provide information about the special characteristics of the fauna and flora. 



Linguistic borders Germanic tribes, which had forced their way into the Roman Empire across the Rhine in the period between 400 and 600 A.D., settled as far as this ridge during the migration of the peoples. They left their mark on the culture in those pl


Montenau-Iveldingen - St. Barbara's Parish Church and Chapel

Exactly half way between Iveldingen and Montenau, there are two Catholic places of worship: the modern parish church, opened in 1985, and a small chapel dating from 1688, which is listed as a historical monument.



The villages of Montenau and Iveldingen  The course of the little river Amel, the wood known as the Wolfsbusch and the beautiful village with its ancient farmhouses all go to make up the charm of the dual village of Montenau-Iveldingen, which has 500


Montenauer ham smoke house

With well-controlled designation of origin In the Montenauer ham smoke house, one could see the production process of the salting, seasoning and smoking of a real Jambon d’Ardenne. Here, the smoking happens according to the special recipe of the fam


Vennbahn cycle route

The Vennbahn, a leisurely cycling route on a former railway line, connects Aachen with Luxembourg (125 km) and runs right through the middle of the village . The maximum average gradient is two per cent. Info:



In a graveyard in the green valley of the Amel lies the grave of 'Monsieur Hawarden'. It was not until after his death that the truth came out: the person behind that pseudonym was in fact a well-to-do woman from Paris by the name of Mériora



Thirimont was mentioned in official documents for the first time in 1188. After a member of the community had lost his life in a snowstorm on the way back from mass in Weismes in 1769, the inhabitants of Thirimont were given permission in 1771 to build a ch



This village was mentioned for the first time in 1455 as 'Lehen Diedenberh' in a letter from Count Johann of Nassau to Johann von Hersdorf. The old chapel, dating from 1707, proved too small in time, and in 1949, the decision was made to build a new



Depertzberg Medell means 'my valley'. From the location of the panorama board am Depertzberg, there is a magnificent view out over the village, which lies in a small valley. 'Am Päsch' This village established itself at a water


Eibertingen - St.Sebastian's Chapel

This chapel was listed as a historical monument in 1994. The colourful baroque altar with its columns and the large number of relics are unique for this region. During the most recent restoration work, experts counted 168 bone fragments from 81 saints.


Amel: An ensemble of church, market cross and Antoniushäuschen

This ensemble of church, market cross and Antoniushäuschen is important in art history terms. It is regarded as the oldest extant part of the village, which was mentioned in an official document as early as 670. The church spire dates from 1541. The An



With over 2,500 exhibits, the agricultural museum at Mirfelder Busch 2 A reminds visitors of the Eifel's agricultural history. On the action days held each month, the old equipment is brought back to life, for example on threshing or baking day. The mus


Hepscheid – Heppenbach – Halenfeld

Well signposted hiking and cycling routes take you through this landscape characterised by slopes, woodland, meadows and watercourses. This is a place where you can still explore nature. The source of the Amel is in Hepscheid. The house of woods, with d



The name 'Meyerode' implies that this village came into being following the clearance of an area with marshland and woods, like most of the villages whose names end in -rode or -rath (e.g. Wallerode, Atzerath, Rocherath). During excavation work, a s

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High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50