Burg-Reuland - East Belgium Go to content


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The castellans of Burg-Reuland, Gothic art in the Eifel, and the picturesque Our valley  

‘The pearl of East Belgium’

‘The pearl of East Belgium’ is the name lovingly given to their homeland by the local tour guides. Let the magnificent landscape and its history cast their spell over you: the decline of the castle, the unique Gothic art of the Eifel, and the burgeoning of a new social stratum in the 18th century, among many other interesting features.

Point of interest

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Viewpoint indicator Burg-Reuland

The viewpoint indicator is on the ridgeway between Weweler and Lascheid between hiking nodes 8 and 9. From here, a beautiful long-distance view out over the valley of Ulf and Our presents itself to the observer. The aerial photo illustrates the special feat


Ourtal Route Ostbelgien

Panoramic view

Reuland Castle ruin

The castle at Burg-Reuland is among the most beautiful and largest castle ruins in the Ardennes. It was built in the 12th century and continued to be a powerful entity right on into the 18th century. Today’s ruin complex still measures 55 by 65 m, and

Panoramic view

St. Stephanus Parish Church

The location of this expertly restored church in Burg-Reuland has a long history that goes all the way back to the year 1213. As early as that, a chapel in Rullant was mentioned in an official document. In 1771, a larger church was built by the architec


Orley House

Society changed in the 18th century: the nobility that had ruled until then was gradually ousted by bourgeois businesspeople. Whilst the nobility had flaunted their power and wealth with splendid castles, the businesspeople now did so by building stately ho


Quarry ‘Auf Schleid’

The quarry ‘Auf Schleid’ is near Steffeshausen. Fossils from the Devonian period, which began approximately 420 million years ago and lasted approximately 60 million years, have been found here. At that time, the European land mass was down belo


Former station building Reuland

The former station at Burg-Reuland, a red brick building, lies on the historical railway line which connected Aachen and Luxembourg. In the time around 1900 this was a busy line on which coal was transported to Luxembourg and iron ore to Aachen. Above a


Vennbahn route

The Vennbahn once connected the coalfields around Aachen with the north of Luxembourg. Above all, the railway line served in the transportation of coal and iron ore. Now, it is a 125-kilometre cycle and hiking trail from Aachen, right across East Belgium to



The village of Steffeshausen lies on a hill in the Our valley. It was mentioned in official documents for the first time in 1214. It got its name from the former lords of Steffeshausen. The parish church of St. Petrus is presumed to have originated in t



The hamlet of Weweler lies high up above the confluence of the Ulf and the Our. Archaeological finds indicate that there were already settlements here in Roman times. One is presumed to have been situated where the village now lies above the valley, whilst


The Hungerberg and the Johann Arens cross

The Johann Arens cross is one of the many wayside crosses that can be encountered on the roads and hiking trails of East Belgium. At this place, the family members of the farmer Johann Arens followed the custom of erecting a cross at the site of an acci


Former post office

The post office was built in 1852, when East Belgium was still part of Prussia. At that time, the post was transported by a horse-drawn coach, which also took travellers across the country. This system worked so well that – even at that time – i


Museum of local history

In the little museum of local history in the village’s culture centre (von-Orley-Strasse 24), everyday objects from ancient times impart a vivid picture of former life in Burg-Reuland. There are also finds from the archaeological excavations to b


Burg-Reuland listening tour

Anyone wishing to rediscover the history and nature of the region in its entirety can do so with the listening tour app. At the most exciting places on this 20-kilometre tour, it has audio plays in store for visitors, in which local experts present the regi


Bracht and Bracht Castle

An impressive edifice known as Bracht Castle stands out in the centre of the hamlet of Bracht, which has some 100 inhabitants. It was erected as a country seat from 1782 to 1785 by order of Georg Friedrich August Ferrand von Montigny (1705-1790), whose grav

Contact us

High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50
E. info@ostbelgien.eu
S. www.ostbelgien.eu