Eupen 7 church towers - East Belgium Go to content

Eupen 7 church towers

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Eupen 7 church towers

From the "Limburger Weg", near the "In den Ettersten" stile path, a unique view of the seven church towers of Eupen and Kettenis.

Eupen - Limburger Weg

The Limburger Weg offers a unique view of Eupen and Kettenis. It's also the ideal starting point for a hike through the green "In den Ettersten" valley, which links Eupen town center to Membach.

Point of interest

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Eupen 7 towers viewpoint indicator

With this panoramic board you will discover a wonderful hiking trail and the unique view of seven church towers in the villages of Eupen and Kettenis.

Panoramic view

St. Nicholas' Church

The municipal architect of Aachen, Laurenz Mefferdatis, built the Catholic parish and deanery churches from 1721-1729 in the renaissance style. The bottom part of the south tower originated from a previous church of the 12th century and is thus one of Eupen


'Klösterchen' ('little convent')

Generally known today as the 'Klösterchen' ('little convent'), this building was erected in 1752 on a commission by the cloth manufacturer Leonhard Vercken to plans by the Aachen architect Johann Joseph Couven. In 1857, it became a conv


Hospital chapel

At the beginning, in-house worship at the hospital was held in a simple room with a small altar. So that the patients could also be offered a mass, donations were collected as from 1876 and the chapel began to be built in a part of the side wing. In 1880, t


Monastery church

The foundation stone of the monastery church of the Capuchins was laid in 1665. In the 18th century, the building burned down and was re-erected on plans made by the Aachen architect Joseph Moretti. This was the place of worship that the local textile craft


Protestant Church of Peace

The Protestant Church of Peace was built in the second half of the 19th century to plans by the Aachen architect Theodor August Stein in the neo-Gothic style. A remarkable feature is the metal spire.


St. Catharine's Church in Kettenis

This Catholic parish church is presumed to have been built in the 15th century and then further expanded in the centuries that followed. The oldest parts of the building are the fortified tower and the Gothic main nave.  The high altar is pres


'Stiegel' path 'In den Ettersten'

The meadow path 'In den Ettersten' takes you through a lush green valley directly from the city centre of Eupen to Membach. The green areas there are of ecological importance; the unmistakable white willows are unique in the region and provide many

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High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50