Holzheim - East Belgium Go to content


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Roman slope, smugglers' schemes and the Ardennes offensive

The turbulent history of a cross-border region

From the mysterious traces of the Romans to the battlefields of the Second World War, this panoramic panel plunges you into the eventful history of a cross-border region.

Point of interest

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Holzheim viewpoint indicator

This panoramic board in Holzheim focuses on the eventful history of the border region. The traces lead from the Romans to the Second World War.


Holzheim – Roman wall

This earth wall lined with beech trees is said to be a remnant of a Roman army camp. In some places, the wall and its trench are up to 8 m wide, and can be made out easily in the terrain over a length of about 200 metres. Its vertex is between 1.5 and 2 m


Lanzerath - US Memorial

During the Second World War, Lanzerath was one of the major scenes of combat in the Battle of the Bulge. There are two monuments here to remind us of those events. 


Borders & smuggling

The border between Belgium and Germany is easy to recognise because of the wind turbines on the German side.   There hasn't been any more smuggling since the borders within Europe were opened. After the Second World War, however, bartering



Until 1794, the village of Manderfeld and the surrounding hamlets were part of the electorate of Trier. That historical affiliation is evidenced not only by the name 'Treeschland', but also by the use of the new red sandstone that is so popular on t



The fact that this village name ends in 'rath' indicates that it was one of the so-called clearance settlements, with which the Franks developed new land for settlements from the 5th to the 8th century. The village was mentioned for the first time i



Manderfeld is located in the upper Our valley, between the hills of the Schneifel and those at Losheimergraben, surrounded by 17 hamlets and villages. The whole area is excellent for hiking. Some 200 km of signposted routes take you through woods and fields

Panoramic view

St. Lambert's Parish Church

Like the churches of Büllingen, Amel, Thommen and Neundorf, the parish church in Manderfeld may be standing on the foundation walls of a Franconian royal court. The parish church is a rough stone building dating from the 16th century with a single na


Igelmonder Hof

The origin of this building, which is listed as a historical monument, is not known. However, a Roman basin in the cellar of the farm seems to imply that there was already a settlement here in ancient times. Under Prussian rule, the farm was expanded into a


Former US radar station

The US radar station 'Prüm Air Station', on the heights of the Schneifel, was built in the 1950s and served purposes of communication between NATO, the US Ministry of Defense and the US forces in the nearby military bases at Bitburg and Spangda



This little village has a long history. It is presumed that the settlement already existed in Roman times, and that the present name was not introduced until later. That is suggested, at least, by the Roman wall, which is outside the village in the directio


Schneifel & Westwall

The 'Schneifel' is a range of hills in the Eifel of the Rhineland-Palatinate, some 15 km long and 2 km wide. It is a so-called truncated upland which, on account of its high quartz content, was able to resist being ablated by the forces of erosion t


Schneifel – former ZDF transmitter mast

This VHF transmitter mast was erected in 1965 on the Schwarzer Mann near Bleialf, and is 690 metres above sea level. The steel tubular structure, originally 223 metres tall, was shortened to 105 metres in 2010. The shutdown of analogue terrestrial televisio



This monument is in memory of a moving emigration story. Aged just 12, Christian Elsen from Medendorf left his homeland in 1882 to go and join his uncle, who had emigrated to the USA. In adverse circumstances, he saved up enough to pay for his parents and s



Herresbach and the woods that surround it are an invitation to go hiking. The long-distance trail GR 56 also runs through the village. Various viewpoints, in particular the so-called 'Holzauge' ('wood eye'), offer a unique view out over the


Wind turbines at Heinerscheid

These eight wind turbines are in Heinerscheid in Luxembourg, which is 30 km away.


Wallerode – BRF transmitter mast

For reasons of air safety, this transmitter mast is conspicuously painted in orange and white. The steel construction, 100 metres tall, is located between Medell and Wallerode, in a wood on the territory of the municipality of Amel. From here, it ensur

Contact us

High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50
E. info@ostbelgien.eu
S. www.ostbelgien.eu