Bütgenbach - viaduct - East Belgium Go to content

Bütgenbach - viaduct

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Bütgenbach - viaduct

Outdoor action, water fun and an eventful history   

Bütgenbach: more than just a water sports paradise

Bütgenbach is known far inland for its lake[EO1] , but also beyond the borders of Belgium. Due to the sports and leisure facilities around the dam, the place has experienced a great tourist boom. The centre of Bütgenbach has established itself as a cross-community business and trade centre in the Belgian North Eifel. Numerous hotels and restaurants attract visitors from near and far with a wide range of offers.

Point of interest

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Bütgenbach viewpoint indicator

The Bütgenbach panorama board is located on the former railway viaduct, along the current Ravel cycling and hiking trail. From the bridge, you can enjoy the view over the Warche valley. The Mausheck nature trail is immediately to the left at the foot o


Mausheck nature reserve

The Mausheck nature reserve in the Warche valley is characterised by different natural habitats such as oak forests, semi-arid meadows and wetlands. A signposted nature trail presents various topics related to nature in this idyllic landscape on a total of

Panoramic view

Bütgenbach reservoir & Worriken sports and leisure centre

Construction work on the dam began in 1929. Many residents in the area found a way of securing a good additional income on the construction site. Up to 200 workers were employed there on some days. No settlements had to give way to the dam; only a few stree


Castle ruins

Bütgenbach Castle stood on a narrow mountain tongue surrounded by the Warche. Its history is closely linked to that of Sankt Vith and Monschau, as the same rulers ruled here for many years. Walram von Limburg, lord of Monschau and Bütgenbach, is c



The railway line from Weywertz to Jünkerath, opened by the Prussian government in 1912, was built out of military interest to connect the Elsenborn military training area to the railway. A total of 12 bridges were required for the route in the area of


Ravel L45a cycle path

The Ravel route L45a is a junction of the internationally award-winning 125-km-long Vennbahn cycle path from Aachen (D) to Troisvierges (L). Both routes run on former railway lines and therefore guarantee relaxed cycling without any noteworthy inclines. T


St. Stephanus church

Today's St. Stephanus parish church was built in 1932 according to plans by the Malmedy architect, Henri Cunibert. The juxtaposition of neo-Romanesque architecture, Christian symbolism and historical relics gives the building a surprising harmony and ex


Historical tour

The historical tour through Bütgenbach offers impressive insights into the history of the town through the ages. At 10 so-called towers with star-shaped information boards, walkers along the route can read about the history of the place. For younger ch


Bütgenbach’s manor

The listed manor of Bütgenbach is a four-wing rubble work building in the centre of the village and the oldest building in the municipality of Bütgenbach. The property can be documented up to the 15th century. The main parts of the manor buildings


Market square with mini golf course

In earlier times, the market square of Bütgenbach was a wetland. In order to be able to use water from the well better, the area was surrounded by masonry. In the vernacular, the place serving as a cattle trough and washing area was called Vennborre (V


Wewesch house – pottery cellar

The core of today's “pottery cellar” was built in the middle of the 16th century. The then lord of the castle of Rolshausen had the house built from stones taken from the Bütgenbach castle. The house name "A Wewesch" refers to


Former dairy

In 1932, as in many other villages, a cooperative dairy was founded in Bütgenbach. At the beginning, only 32 farmers delivered their milk there, but the number of members grew rapidly. The milk was collected in the surrounding villages by horse and car



The village of Nidrum is located on a plateau that gently slopes down into the Warche valley. Because of its unspoilt, varied natural landscapes and vast green spaces, the place is surrounded by idyllic tranquillity. The history of the village can be trac



The tranquil village of Berg, wonderfully situated on a hill above Lake Bütgenbach, offers a unique panoramic view. Numerous linden trees adorn the paths and streets in the village. Historical records indicate that the first settlements in Berg took pl

Contact us

High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50
E. info@ostbelgien.eu
S. www.ostbelgien.eu