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The rich heritage of the town of Malmedy

Malmedy - a town in bloom with a rich cultural heritage

Each site or building listed below will shed light on the historical context of their existence, helping to give monuments the meaning they may have lost or lost with the passing of time.

Point of interest

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Malmedy viewpoint indicator

This panorama board is to be found on the Place du Châtelet, not far from the cathedral, and is part of the historical tour. An aerial photo of the town centre and a map enable you to get your bearings better in Malmedy with its rich cultural heritage

Panoramic view


The monastery dating from 648 lost its religious assignment with the French Revolution and was then used variously, among other things as a prison and an Athenaeum (gymnasium). Today, the Malmundarium presents itself as the cultural and touris­tic heart

Panoramic view

Cathedral of St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Quirinus

The original abbey was built around the end of the 10th century. The heavily symbolic edifice was destroyed in 1689 by the troops of Ludwig XIV. After the French Revolution, the place of worship, rebuilt as from 1776 to plans made by the Liège archit


Town hall

In 1901, the paper producer Jules Steinbach (1841-1904) had a magnificent town hall built for the town of Malmedy. The entrance leads into a large foyer in white marble with a colonnade.


Lang Villa

In 1901, the paper producer Jules Steinbach had the Lang Villa built for his third daughter Juliette. The décor of the house is fascinating on account of its many details, such as mascarons on the facade, mythical creatures in wrought iron, dragons,



In the 17th century, these timber crosses were erected on one of the steepest sections of the route to Chôdes. In 1728, the Capuchin father Albert de Dinant had them replaced by a large cross and a chapel. In 1873, the old stations too were replaced b



The so-called 'puddingstone' is a sedimentary rock which is thought to have formed 295 - 250 million years ago and consists of innumerable pieces of rounded rubble. It is unique in Belgium. It has a length of 22 km and a width of 2.6 km.


Steisel Villa

Like the town hall and the Lang Villa, this house too was designed by the Malmedy architect Fritz Maiter for the paper producer Jules Steinbach. One special feature of this villa are the two towers, which put one in mind of a small castle. Until 1956, the v

Panoramic view

Villers House

This three-storey patrician house, Villers House, is one of the most beautiful houses in Malmedy's cultural heritage. The unique building, built in 1724 by the tanners Elisabeth and Joseph Dester, has survived the centuries with its original interior de


Bandstand Place de Rome

The town boasts three bandstands. They are evidence of the fact that music has always been of special importance in Malmedy. What is special about the bandstand on the Place de Rome is the way it is modelled on nature – the branches and twigs seem to


Cavens House

The industrialist Jean-Hubert Cavens and his wife Marie-Eli­sabeth tried to improve the circumstances of the people. In 1835, they financed the construction of the orphanage, which remained in operation until 1958 and is used today as a 'house of me


Outrelepont Bridge

There are already mentions of this, Malmedy's first bridge, in texts from the 13th century. The oldest version of it, presumably made of timber, was built to replace an old ford. From 1619 on, the first stone bridge was built with seven round arches, bu


The oldest house in Malmedy

The oldest house in Malmedy is on the right bank of the Warche in the district of Outrelepont. It dates from the 16th century and was spared by the great fires of 1587, 1689 and 1944. In spite of the wars and some very severe flooding, the house has retaine


Chapel of the Resurrection

The Chapel of the Resurrection is located in one of the historical districts of Malmedy. It was built in 1755 to plans made by Gaetano-Matteo Pizzoni, the architect of the Saint-Aubain Cathedral in Namur. Thanks to this new place of worship, the people of &


Former Seat of the Baltia Government

This impressive neoclassical building is one of the few remnants of the Prussian regime. After its completion in 1914, it was first used as the official premises of the administrative district council. With the Treaty of Versailles, Prussia had to cede not


Grétedar Hall

To protect themselves against plundering troops, the citizens of Malmedy built a fortress wall with eight access gates in 1601. One of those is the Grétédar Gate – also known as the 'Gate of Livremont', which lies at the foot of


Chapel of the Sick

This small place of worship was part of a leprosy colony that was established here in the 12th century. After a devastating plague epidemic with some 200 victims, the population organised pilgrimages and processions. In 1741, during a time of great despair,


Waty Barn

The Waty Barn is one of the few tanning sheds still remaining in the town. Not only the half-timbering design is of interest to visitors, but also the fact that the building bears witness to an industry that was booming at the time: the tanning industry.


Chapel of St. Helena

In 1722, Renard David, the former mayor, adviser to the prince abbot and councillor of the tribunal, had the St. Helena Hospice built. It consists of two terraced houses, in which the elderly ladies of the town could spend the evening of their life in peace


Capuchin Church

This church reminds one of the settlements of the Capuchins, who laid the foundation stone here in 1623. Apart from its spiritual mission, the order had devoted itself to the alleviation of physical complaints such as the plague and other epidemics. This er

Contact us

High Fens House for Tourism – East Belgium NPO
East Belgium
Place Albert I 29a
4960 Malmedy

T. +32 80 33 02 50